Sunday, October 3, 2010


can be very frustrating, but it has given me the opportunity to remember that we are being looked after by very capable Doctors. The Chemo session for September 28th has been delayed until next week, October 5th. This was due to my white blood cell count being way too low. Had I gone ahead with my Chemo infusions, the white blood cell count would have gotten even lower, and this would have made me very susceptible to infections.

So I went in twice for sub-cutaneous injections of Neupogen. This regulates and stimulates the production of white blood cells from the bone marrow. The side effects were harsher than I expected in terms of severe body aches and a crushing 24 hour headache. But mercifully this has subsided, and my body seems ready for 'round two' of Chemo.

I have a good and dear friend in Cape Town who will go with me, as Peter is away at the moment. I am bracing myself for the side effects of the infusion, and pray that I will be able to cope better this time around.

God sustains His children, and our family is no exception. He goes before us, and in obedience we follow His perfect will for us. Our children are coping well and know what to expect this time. Our ministry staff is on stand-by, and is very supportive with meals and lifts for the children. God supplies our every need.

May He be your comfort and guide this week, no matter what you are facing. Thank you, for being partners with us as we walk this road. As my mother always says, 'we will be your Aaron and Hur', as we hold your arms and help you maintain your strength.


Lenora and family

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