Monday, August 13, 2012

Training and Travel

Dear Friends and Family!

So much of this year has been focused on a very intensive training scedule for Christopher. He was chosen to compete at the KSI World Championships held in New Jersey in July.

In the lead up to the tournament, our morning sometimes started at 5am, as we headed off to train at the Dojo for an hour before school. At other times it encompassed most of Saturdays, many afternoons, weekends and some evenings. Finally, in June of this year the competitors were given their national colours. We watched with pride, as Christopher received his South African tracksuit and kit.

 Most of you know Christopher's medical history, and that he was born with kidney failure. Since the transplant in December of 2009, he has gone from strength to strength, grading for his black belt and now being able to participate in a World event like this.

Originally, Christopher was going to travel on his own with his Team. We did not have the means for me to be able to join him for this momentous occasion, but God knew about this as well. A friend and supporter said to me: 'Christopher is going to the US to compete with your need to be there to watch him'!! What a blessing.

The tournament itself was a huge learning curve for him, and while he did not medal, he held his own and did well. After our time in New Jersey, we flew to Arizona to visit with my parents and Andrea and Hunter. Christopher had not seem mom and dad since 2008, so it was great for them to be able to spend time together playing chess and catching up. My parents have invested greatly in our children, and we miss the time of fellowship together.It was a treat to be able to see where Andrea and Hunter live and to meet their cat 'Sherlock'.

Our good friends Ron and Jan, together with Susan and Don Parks arranged for us to be able to have a small get together with close friends. It was a special afternoon of fellowship and good food, and of having the chance to see loved ones we would not have had the chance to see. Our visit was short, but precious, and I am so thank full to have had the opportunity to be a part of this travelling experience with Christopher.

We celebrated Christopher's 17th Birthday on Saturday. For our breakfast of waffles, bacon and fresh orange juice, Andrea joined us on speaker phone and Peter read out a Birthday poem Granddad had composed for the occasion. It was great to 'have Andrea at the table with us' again.

Living internationally is my greatest heartache. I long to have my family close by.....but it is occasions like this that remind me that God knows our hearts desires and grants us our wishes when we least expect it. My heart is full.

Love to all of you,

gratefully, Lenora

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Dearest Friends!

For ten years, Peter and I have home schooled our children. Andrea was in grade five when we started, Daniela in grade two....and the boys started in pre-school and grade one. My constant goal with all of our children was to help teach them to LOVE the process of learning. I wanted to demonstrate to them in a variety of ways how to obtain information and knowledge and to savour this for as long as they live! There have been so many families who have, and continue to succeed in this worthwhile endeavour. They have been my role models and heroes.

In some part, we were successful. Andrea loved to read from a very early age, and is now studying at a Christian University for a degree in Journalism. Check.

Daniela is in her last year of High School, and while this year will be very very demanding on her, and while the workload is heavy, we have every hope of her succeeding. She really wants to start at an Art College next year ( our school year begins in January). Check.

The boys.......I discovered are an entirely different kind of species to educate. Not having any brothers myself, and having two daughters first......the art of getting boys to sit still long enough to finish a lesson was an exercise that taxed my patience to say the least. Of course then, we started down a long road of health issues, culminating in a renal transplant for Christopher. As I was the donor, this chapter was heavy. To say the least! But then most of you know our story. Six months later, my cancer diagnosis did very little to boost my energy levels........and after the months of Chemo.....our boys are now in an independent Christian school.

Off the hook? Not at all. I find my self busier now, but for different reasons. Calvin, our extrovert, charming socialite has settled in well. It took some time for him to adjust to all the rules, but he has coped, and is loving it. I pray he will soon take his studies as seriously as he takes his sport and friends!

Things have been very different for Christopher. He battles to cope with the workload and although he works harder than ever before, he is not happy with his results. He enjoys the school and has many friends. We really do feel that we have made the correct decision regarding the education of our boys......but would really appreciate your prayers as we journey on down this road.

Peter heads off to conduct a Biblical Worldview Summit near Johannesburg in April, and we are also celebrating 30 years in the ministry. It was April 1982 that Peter first crossed the border into his first war torn Mission field - Mozambique.

All of life is an education. I am so grateful for God's Word, good books, great movies and good fellowship. Pray with us please, that we would weather the storms in the school buildings right now, and that the right people would enter our lives to help with any tutoring necessary. Any advice or tips will be most gratefully received.

Thank you for your friendship and for your listening ear!

We love you,
