Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back Home at last

Dear faithful praying friends!

God has been gracious and has allowed Christopher to be well enough to come home. It is such a relief to have him with us again, and I do not miss the three trips daily to the Hospital Ward to deliver food, drink and company!! (Yes, the Hospital food is less, much less than desirable!)

His levels are getting more and more stable, although the electrolytes are still off balance as the graft kidney settles in. He still has the stent, which is allowing the blockage to be cleared. In about 5 - 6 weeks they will remove it via a scope. The hope is that the blocked ureter (my ureter from my kidney) will then have a free flowing connection between the graft kidney and Christopher's bladder.

We are settling into a routine of taking his vast amount of medication three times a day. Christopher has become very good at this, and understands his responsibility. The big risk factor now is infection. Because he feels better, he wants to participate in his previous activities again, but of course this is way too premature. He needs to stay at home for the next two months at least. I pray the Lord will bless him with patience of a different kind now!

As I try to put things into perspective and as I look back at all that has transpired, I am amazed at how God prepared us as a family for this. God gives us the children that He wants us to raise, and while it is sometimes hard to understand why we have such an ill son, I know that God chose Peter and I to raise and nurture him. I praise God for friends like you, who have helped us along this road with your prayers and encouragement.

It is a privilege for Peter and I to be Christopher's parents, and my prayer is that we would rise to the occasion daily, to train him up to be all that God has called him to be. Indeed, we pray this for each of our children.

May our heavenly Father bless you in the midst of your circumstances as well. And may we all maintain the courage we need to fulfill His calling in our lives.

With love and continued appreciation,

Lenora and family

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