Friday, July 30, 2010

New Seasons

Dearest Friends!

I have always been of the mind set that life has various Seasons. The good thing about this line of thinking is that if you are in the middle of a difficult time, you can be assured that no Season lasts forever. God created the Seasons of weather for our World, and this blesses us with variety and color. How drab our surroundings would be without the refreshing change that we are privileged to experience.

Our Season of Renal care for Christopher has tapered down dramatically, and just today at the Clinic, we were told he can return in a month! This is first time in 8 or 9 months he will be away from the Hospital for this length of time. His improved health is cause for great rejoicing and we give thanks to our Heavenly Father for this. We are grateful beyond words too, for the part you all have played in so many ways.

It would seem that a new and unexpected Season is upon us now. My breast cancer is conclusive, and I will be undergoing a 'skin sparing' double mastectomy this coming Tuesday the 3rd of August. We are convinced of God's hand in this, and I am not fearful of the outcome. His plan is perfect and we trust in Him. We pray that it has not spread, and that radiation or chemo will not be necessary.

This Season of illness and recovery for me though, means even further disruption in our household along practical lines. I would continue to request prayer for a tutor, willing to come to Cape Town for a while to help with the children's homeschooling needs. The ministry opportunities would be varied, and housing is taken care of.

Thank you, to all of you who have shared your experiences with Cancer with me. I appreciate reading the variety of options you have chosen. Certainly nutrition plays a vital part in my further care, and I am learning much about 'super foods' and how this can help not only me, but our family. There seems to be very strong feelings favoring alternative treatments, and I appreciate learning about all of these options as well. I am certain God will reveal to us the correct path, and we pray that we would be obedient no matter the course.

Thank you for upholding us in prayer and for your support and friendship.

With love,

Lenora Hammond


  1. Hi Lenora
    I wish that I could wave a magic wand...dear friend I will hold you up in prayer because I know that He will hear and honour our petitions.......your news is devastating but the doctors know best, and God is in control. You're so brave but then, what choice do you have...oh man...I actually don't know what to say. Except - We love you Lenora! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Ann

  2. Thanks for sharing Lenora! You are brave and your faith is an example to all! Hoping and trusting with you for quick recovery!
    A worthwhile website to visit is Shirley Corder's but maybe you know of that one already.
    All the best,
