Monday, April 12, 2010

Still so vulnerable

Hi all.....just a quick up date and request for renewed prayer. Christopher and I were at the Hospital this morning for routine blood work and a check up. The results show his creatin levels are continuing to rise. There is chance this is due to the medicines after the recent surgery, and that this needs to settle down.

The more probable case though, is that the graft kidney has just taken so much assault and the wear and tear is showing. At present calculations, the graft kidney has between 40 and 50% function.

On Thursday we are sceduled for another scan. I can hope that this will reveal some answers, but am afraid I find it hard to be hopeful these days.

Our new school term started today, and I must say I had high hopes of being able to focus on catch up work and an uninterrupted work environment. But it seems we have not arrived at that state yet.

Please pray with us, that as this continued road of uncertainty, twists and turns unfolds that we would not loose heart.

Not only is the graft kidney vulnerable, but I feel that way right now too. Thank you all, for upholding us in prayer. Thank you for being the Aarons and Hurs in our life.

We love you,

Lenora and family


  1. Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

  2. We will continue to pray. May the Lord strengthen all of you!

    The Bobbs
